Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Rules - I need your help!

I know that in order to do this, I'm going to need to set some very specific ground rules because it is impossible to extricate myself from popular media completely. For example, what about the billboards at the side of the road?

Who will know? I've decided to do this without telling my family because I don't want them to make any special efforts. I want to see if a person can live a normal life over time by unplugging.

Here are the rules I'm starting with. Please comment!

The boob tube is going off completely, except when my wife wants me to watch a specific movie on DVD with her. I don't want to tip her off to what I am doing. This means no news, weather, sports, PVR'd shows, etc. That means you, too, YouTube!

I listen to the radio in the car. Even though I listen principally to talk radio and NPR, I realize that those are really just forms of entertainment.

iPod and music devices
No popular music. Period. No pod-casts. Should I allow myself to listen to classical music, or, if I really want to hear music, should I just play the piano (which I do passably well)? What about books on tape?

This is a tough one. I have to use it to work, pay the bills, access my online brokerage accounts, etc. I guess I'll cut "recreational" internet usage like unnecessary searches, joke web sites, etc. What do you suggest? 
Oh, yeah, I'll have to use it to update this blog.

I don't want to tip off the misses, so I'll go with her to a movie if she requests it, but I'll not initiate it.

Live Events
I don't attend many sporting events or concerts, but since they are havens of music, advertising, and other pop-culture vehicles, I'll have to swear them off completely.

The News
I'm going to cut this out in all forms (including the newspaper) as well.

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