Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 1 - At the lake

For my first day out of the web, I did much better than expected.

Normally, I go to Church most of the day on Sunday, but, since my son was doing his SCUBA certification, I was at the lake all day. My daughter came with us so that she and I could dive together (she certified last year) while he did his training dives. Since there were no TVs or radios at the lake, I was fine until we got in the car to head back.My first instinct was to turn on the radio in tha car, but I caught myself before doing it.
The only other temptation before the ride back was my daughter asking me to listen to some songs with her on an mp3 player, but I made an excuse and she didn't really care.

When I got home, I avoided tha family room though my oldest son was watching an episode of Family Guy and I had to turn my head. I spent the rest of the evening in my bedroom talking to my wife about leasing a new car and looking for used SCUBA gear on eBay.

I was so tired after diving for 2 days that I went to bed early.

So far, so good.

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