Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sitting in Ritzy's

The more I try to avoid media, the more I realize how little I am in control.

I've stopped at one of my favorite lunch places. There are TVs on the wall. I've turned my back to them. Nonetheless, music is blaring, so I'm technically out of bounds right now.

Yesterday I went to buy something at Target and walked by a stereo that was blasting "Right Now" by Van Halen. Without something from the radio to take its place, that song stuck in my head for almost the whole 30 minute drive back to my house.

In fact, I've found that music has become much stickier. All music, not just music I like. For example, the step aerobics song from Wii Fit, which I do several times a week, is now stuck in my head.

This is going to be a long month.

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